SeaWheeze and LuluLemon
I have been working with lululemon for over a year now and have had so many incredible opportunities within the company to show my passion for photography.
In August I was lucky enough to be a photographer for the annual Seawheeze half marathon hosted in Vancouver. I got to meet so many incredible people and capture such specials moments during their day. It was truly a celebration of hard work and strength from everyone that raced that day! The celebration continued after the race at the Sunset Festival held in Stanley park where everyone could celebrate and connect with one another! There was music, yoga, food, drinks, and a whole lot of dancing! I captured just a small part of the event through some video afterwords of what my night of celebration looked like.
In October I was asked if I could do a shoot with one of Regina’s run ambassadors Laura Benson. It was such a cool opportunity to be able to shoot in my home town again and show the community what Lululemon is up to and how people can get more involved. We did a variety of shots as we had Laura in Lululemons outerwear walking down the downtown streets of Regina. Then moved into Lulu’s Office Travel Commute wear while she enjoyed her coffee in a local Starbucks. Finally finished the shoot with a sweat at the field house in her run wear.
Check out Lululemon Regina’s page for all the details on what is happening in the community and how you can get involved.